Another Side of Rural Development

An Important Lesson from Banyumas Indonesia

  • Shinta Prastyanti
  • Tri Nugroho Adi
Keywords: participation, nonpartisan, community empowerment, rural development


This research aims to analyse some important indicators in rural development that focuses on nonpartisan communities in community empowerment. That phenomenon is very interesting to study because of the importance of involving the people in community empowerment, including those who are not participating. This study is a case study in the District of Banyumas, Indonesia, with purposive sampling as an informant choosing technique. In-depth interviews and documentation are chosen for collecting the data. The research results show there are several reasons for the villagers not to participate in rural development. Those factors are age, busyness, and lack of information, among others. The suitability between hopes and needs with the program cannot be a supporting indicator of participation. However, nonpartisan villagers are not subject to sanctions or different actions and reactions for their reluctance to participate. They only receive satire from their neighbours. The openness to and the suitability of the program that will be done makes it possible for the villagers to be able to take part in future programs.

Author Biographies

Shinta Prastyanti

Shinta Prastyanti is a Ph.D student in the University of Gadjah Mada, Yogyakarta, Indonesia, with a Master degree from the School of Development Studies, University of East Anglia, Norwich, United Kingdom. She is a senior lecturer at the Department of Communication Science, University of Jenderal Soedirman, Purwokerto, Indonesia. Her research focuses on development communication and community empowerment, particularly the relationship between new media access and human capability improvement. Also, she interested in studying poverty reduction.

Tri Nugroho Adi

Tri Nugroho Adi has been working at the Department of Communication Science, University of Jenderal Soedirman, Purwokerto, Indonesia for 18 years. He is a Master degree holder from Sebelas Maret University Surakarta, Indonesia. The focus of his research is new media and cultural studies, particularly the study of the construction and representation of cultural identity on media.

How to Cite
Prastyanti, S., & Adi, T. (2018). Another Side of Rural Development. The Journal of Development Communication, 29(2), 12-20. Retrieved from