Community Radio and People’s Safety from Cyclone in Bangladesh

  • Mohammad Sahid Ullah
Keywords: Community radio, cyclone, disaster campaign, Bangladesh


This study has assessed the capacity of four community radio stations, located along the coastal areas of Bangladesh in regards to campaign strategies of cyclonic disasters. Examining the programme contents, effects of messaging, and drawbacks of their broadcast strategy this study reveals that although radio listenership has been dropped dramatically among commoners, poor people living in isolated coastal areas and nearby islands have trust to community radio campaign in preparedness and evacuation activities to avert deaths and property losses from cyclone and tidal bore. This evidence notes that campaign by community radio has potential in averting immediate danger from cyclone and tidal bore but the capacity of community radio stations are yet to demonstrate disaster friendly readiness due to want of adequate training for broadcasters. It then recommends that a communications plan for disaster campaigns combined with maintaining a network amongst community radio stations before, and during the cyclonic hit would significantly contribute to community safety, a decrease in property damage, and overall morale in the shadow of cyclones.

How to Cite
Ullah, M. (2020). Community Radio and People’s Safety from Cyclone in Bangladesh. The Journal of Development Communication, 31(1), 34-45. Retrieved from